Copyrights – Fair Use for Educational Purposes – We are a Federally Incorporated Charitable Organization since 1982 – Offering a True Education based Curriculum through: and Generation144k. Reach us at:
October 22 1844
Daniel 8:14

"Unto two thousand and three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
Daniel 8:14

Why and how did the Millerites ultimately fixed with certainty the precise day of October 22 as the exact terminus of the 2300 Years in 1844?
Validity of October 22 1844 Position
Letter of Conveyance
I. Introductory Statement of Problem – Purpose
II. Chronological Development to October 22 1844
III. The October 22 Crisis and Aftermath
IV. Date of Decree to Rebuild and Restore Jerusalem
V. Crucifixion Date – Astronomical Soundness of October 22 1844
VI. Recapitulation – Conclusions – Affirmatory Statement

Correspondence – M. L. Andreasen
Correspondence – F. W. Albright – G. H. Harper
Correspondence – G. H. Harper
Correspondence – Robert Leo Odom
Correspondence – E.R. Thiele
GAC - Collection Described Here
1. Journal of Biblical Literature
2. Correspondence - Albright
3. Crucifixion - Andreasen
4. Crucifixion - Draper
5. Calendar - Froom
6. Passover 31 AD - Olmstead
7. Passover 31 AD - Thiele
8. 457 BC - Amadon
9. Errors with the Julian Calendar - Amadon
10. Barley Harvest Importance - Amadon
11. Hebrew Calendar - Amadon
12. Ezechiel Chronology - Amadon
13. Chronology - 457 BC - L. H. Wood
14. Babylon Chronology - Amadon
15. Flood Chronicle - Amadon
16. Jerusalem 1853
17. Ezekiel Calendar
18. Passover - Josephus
19. Crucifixion Date - Amadon
20. Passover - Argument
21. Letter of Conveyance
22. Part 1. Introduction Statement of Problem and Purpose
23. Part II. Chronological Development to October 22 1844
24. Part III. The October 22 Crisis and Aftermath
25. Part IV. Date of Decree to Rebuild and Restore Jerusalem
26. Part V. Crucifixion Date – Soundness of October 22 1844
27. Part VI. Recapitulation – Conclusions – Statement
28. Translation on Calendar - Sidersky - 1919
29. Othman Family - Ottoman Dynasty - Amadon
30. Pilate Procuration
31. Moon Data
32. Astronomy 1 - Sidersky
33. Astronomy 2 - Sidersky - 1911
34. Calendar - Hozweister - 1922
35. Fifth Trumpet - Arab Nations - Amadon
36. Turkish Calendar - Prophecies - Amadon
37. Revelation - E. G. White
38. 457 BC - History - J. N. Andrews
39. Seal of Eliakim - Albright
40. Jewish - Egyptian - Calendar - L. H. Wood
41. Mosaic Sacred Calendar - L. H. Wood
42. Moon - Writings - Amadon - 1941
43. Time in Jewish History - L. N. Wood
44. Journal of Semitic Languages - W. R. Harper
45. Correspondence - Papacy - Belleau - 1943
46. How to be saved - Magazine - 1938
47. Death of Christ - Correspondence
48. Horses in Revelation - Moon Phases
49. Calendar - Gilbert
50. Letter to Froom - Weirts
51. Weirts' Calendar - Amadon
52. Calendrier - French - Français
53. Karaites - Origin - Cahn
54. September 23 1844 - Polish Correspondence
55. Calendation - Kamal
56. History of Prophetic Interpretation
57. History of Prophetic Interpretation - Millerites
58. Missionary Work - 1798
59. 6 Parts Series - OB
60. William Miller Letter - 1832
61. Millerites after 1844
62. Letter to Odom - Amadon
63. Moon Data - 1
64. Moon Data - 2
65. Moon Data - 3
66. Moon Data - 4
67. Moon Data - 5
68. Moon Data - 6
69. Moon Data - 7
70. Seals and Trumpets - Amadon
71. Moon - Date Reading - Amadon
72. Calendar - Aramaic - Egyptian
73. Moon and Tides
74. Ottoman Empire Foundation
75. Turkey - RH - 1913
76. Fifth Trumpet - Amadon
77. Correspondence - Amadon
78. Turkish Prophecy - 1840
79. Books and Papers - Amadon
80. Origin of Egyptian Calendar - H. E. Winlock
81. Ovid - Roman Calendar
82. Assyrian Chronology - German - Deutsch
83. Almagest - Ptolemy - Peters - Knobel
84. Military Institutions Vegetius - John Clarke
85. Moses and the Pentateuch - R. H. McKim
86. Lucianic Version of OT - B. K. Yerkes
87. Chronology of Ezekiel - German - Deutsch
88. Chronologie Juive - French - Français
89. Karaite Calendar - J. D. Kokisov
90. Fulfillment of Prophecy - J. Bates
91. Tables of the Motions of the Moon - E. W. Brown
92. Byzantine Empire - N. Jorga
93. Affairs of the Levan - Ottoman Empire - 1841
94. Philo - P. H. Colson
95. Early Celtic Church and Papacy Controversy - 1866
96. Crucifixion Date
97. Moons and Feasts Periods - 1844
98. Biblical Calendar Metal Plates Collection
Copyrights – Fair Use for Educational Purposes – We are a Federally Incorporated Charitable Organization since 1982 – Offering a True Education based Curriculum through: and Generation144k. Reach us at:
“All these evidences need to be re-examined in the light of the Great Day of Atonement computation of October 22 1844, for it is so bold, so utterly non-conventional, and so potentially upsetting, radically altering the central aspects of the Biblical, Astronomical, Chronological, Historical, Cultural, Economic and Political understanding of most people, it should not be ignored.
We intend through this calendar restoration to begin a most interesting debate and critical discussion of all relevant issues, for the last great conflict has already begun.” Biblical Calendar Movement

Why M. L. Andreasen, a theologian, objected to the publication of the Validity of October 22 1844 Position in 1939?
M.L. Andreasen Objection to Publish the Validity
of October 22 1844 Position (click)
The Real Reason
Here is the reason why M. L. Andreasen objected to the publication of the Validity of October 22 1844 Position:
“We cannot afford to start trouble of our own. To the world it will look that the present proposed calendar is advanced for a specific purpose – not for the purpose of adoption, for we will find that it is impossible of universal application – not for the purpose of supporting the 1844 date. I do not believe that we are under that necessity. It must be possible to establish October 22 1844 without resorting to such devices.
A possible solution: I suggest that we make a report to Brother McElhaney of what the Millerites believed and how they arrived at their conclusions, without, at this time, committing ourselves upon the correctness of their method. Let Brother McElhaney publish this report in any way it may be thought best, and let us await the reaction. This, of course, would be only a preliminary report, and would be so designated. We will soon see what fire it will draw. In the meantime let us study further on the final report. The reaction to the preliminary report may determine the form of the final. By that time my fears may all be dispelled. By that time the committee will see light in my light, or I may be converted to their view. In any event, I hope that at this time there will not be made any attempt to present a report upon which we are not all united. God will yet help us.” Letter from M. L. Andreasen, 1939.
The Restoration
Why L. E. Froom, an historian, was correct?
“Such was the firm foundation laid by the 7th month movement heralds of the first angel message, between August and October, 1844. Such was the sure position maintained and strengthened by the pioneers of the third angel’s message as the advancing light on the sanctuary truth explained the nature of the event which had actually transpired on that all-important day in the heavenly sanctuary above, and which now involved the testing truth of the Sabbath.
Let there be no confusion or uncertainty upon the sanctuary truth. Acquaintance with its unassailable proofs, and their full justification before the world and the church, means spiritual confidence and satisfaction of soul, and in consequence, an aggressive forwarding of the banner of truth in the midst of the collapsing standards and growing uncertainties all about us. We are a people with a heavenly message, and a divine mandate to which we must ever adhere with unswerving allegiance.” Part VI, L. E. Froom, 1939.
The Millerites were ‘prisoners of hope’. The Great Day of Atonement of October 22 1844 restored the Biblical Calendar of Leviticus 23 and is NOW the Testing Truth of the 7th day Sabbath.
The calculation and observation of the Biblical Calendar in modern times can be computed through the Moon Phases Data (calculation) and the Fractions of the Moon Illuminated Data (observation).
Biblical Calendar – Calculation – Observation – PDF
Moon Phases – Calculation – USNO Data - UT
Fractions of the Moon – Observation – USNO Data - UT
Calendar – Computation – October 22 1844 – PDF
Calendar 2020–2030 – Feasts – 7th Day Sabbath – PDF
Standing on Trial – Biblical Calendar – PDF
Standing on Trial – Biblical Calendar – Video
Computation of the Biblical Calendar – PDF
Computation of the Biblical Calendar – Video
1844 - GAC Complete Collection – Video
Biblical Calendar Movement 2020–2030 – Website — NEWWilliam Miller's Dream Revealed Here
First Casket - Restoration of the Biblical Calendar
First Casket - Restoration of the Feasts - Lev. 23

Second Casket - Restoration of the 7th Day Sabbath
The Sabbath More Fully - Lev. 23 and 25
The Sabbatical Year and the Jubilee

“Those who cling to old customs and hoary errors have lost sight of the fact that light is ever increasing upon the path of all who follow Christ; truth is constantly unfolding to the people of God. We must be continually advancing if we are following our Leader. It is when we walk in the light that shines upon us, obeying the truth that is open to our understanding, that we receive greater light.
We cannot be excusable in accepting only the light which our fathers had one hundred years ago. If our God-fearing fathers had seen what we see, and heard what we hear, they would have accepted the light, and walked in it. If we desire to imitate their faithfulness, we must receive the truths open to us, as they received those presented to them; we must do as they would have done, had they lived in our day.” Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions, E. G. White, 197.